People Centered, People Led
Nurturing a Resilient Future
Capacity Building
We want to join the government and development partners in your work supporting the development of strong, healthy young water professionals and helping them know and believe that they matter, they are important and they belong to what development of Cambodian water sector.
Our Capacity Development Program is to build them up through soft skills, technical skills, human centered design, research, leadership trainings; workshop and mentoring.
World Water Crisis
World Water Crisis
90 of all natural disasters are water-related. 80% of water flow back into the ecosystem without being treated or reused.
Over 380 Cambodian children die every year from diarrheal diseases caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation.
World Impact
World Impact
2.1 billion people lack access to safely manage drinking water services. 4.5 billion into lack safely managed services. Water scarcity already affected 4 out of every 10 people.
Theory of Problem
Cambodia currently faces major challenges in reaching SDG 6.
What are those challenges?
3.8 million Cambodians don’t have access to safe water and over 9 million people don’t have access to proper sanitation in Cambodia. Over 380 Cambodian children die every year from diarrheal diseases caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation. Stunting of under-five year old children-remains high at 32 percent, poor sanitation is one of the main causes.
News & Stories
The knowledge you gain today will
Be who you want tThe knowledge you gain today will empower you tomorrowo be—proudly, be
WiW Scholar: Be Who You Wanna,
Be who you want to be—proudly, be a woman engineer. Vanny KIT | Water Loss
WiW Scholar: Follow your goals or
Follow your goals or your heart. It will bring you to a good place and
WiW Scholar: While you wait for
To young women with big dreams, is this: no matter where you are, whether in
WiW Scholar: Empower yourself through education,
Empower yourself through education, your voice can shape future of the world.- Sreynich PANG |
WiW Scholar: Stay curious, keep learning,
Be a strong women and keep in mind that women are not just women but
About program WiW (Women in WASH Scholarship): A Strategic Initiative for Gender Empowerment in Water,
Story from the Field: Experience is
Experience is the teacher of all things - SI Chheng IM Young leader name :
Stories from the Field: Insights from
The "Story from the Field" is a compelling narrative series featuring 10 emerging change-makers from
Story from the Field: We only
We only Fail When we fail to try - NHET Virakniron- Young leader name :
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វេទិកាចែករំលែកបទពិសោធន៍ក្នុងការអនុវត្តន៍ អ្នកដឹកនាំជំនាន់ថ្មីសម្រាប់សកម្មភាពទឹកស្អាត និងអនាម័យ៖ ក្រោមប្រធានបទ៖ ការចូលរួមរបស់យុវជនក្នុងវិស័យផ្គត់ផ្គង់ទឹកស្អាត ជាពិសេសវិស្វករស្ត្រីវ័យក្មេងProject BackgroundThe piped water supply system in Cambodia includes public systems and over 400 Private