News & Stories – CSW

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Story from the Field: ​​Experience is the teacher of all things

Experience is the teacher of all things- SI Chheng IMYoung leader name : SI Chheng IMEducational background:  Bachelor's degree Water and Environmental Engineering ( ITC)PWO : BekChan Water Supply Station Location : Ang Knol...

Stories from the Field: Insights from 10 Young Water Engineers of YLWA

The "Story from the Field" is a compelling narrative series featuring 10 emerging change-makers from YLWA Cohort 2, who spent six eye-opening months working with seven private water operators in...

Story from the Field: ​​We only fail when we fail to try

We only Fail When we fail to try- NHET Virakniron-Young leader name : NHET ViraknironEducational background:  Bachelor's degree in Hydrology and Water Resource ( ITC)PWO : Takot Clean Water Supply...

Story from the Field: A Peaceful Mind Can Solve Even the Most Complex Problems

A Peaceful Mind Can Solve Even the Most Complex Problems - PECH Ponleu Young leader name : PECH Ponleu Educational background:   Master’s degree in water resources engineering at Chulalongkorn...

Story from the Field:Ensuring water quality meets the standards is vital for improving water distribution

Ensuring water quality meets the standards is vital for improving water distribution. By studying water quality, I’ve come to understand the importance of sustainability, resilience, and the role water plays...

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