Water covers two-thirds of the surface of the Earth, but Fresh water is 0.002% on Earth. What will your children drink?
CSW envisions all the Cambodian communities have access to safe drinking water and sanitation services, with improved hygiene practices, and protected and sustainable water resources.
We want to join the government and development partners in your work supporting the development of strong, healthy young water professionals and helping them know and believe that they matter, they are important and they belong to what development of Cambodian water sector.
Our Capacity Development Program is to build them up through soft skills, technical skills, human centered design, research, leadership trainings; workshop and mentoring.
We adopt a multidisciplinary approach to achieving objectives by making the best use of diverse knowledge. We believe in the importance of creating dialogue about the most intractable problems facing the WASH sector in Cambodia, the region and globally. As a result, we are dedicated to the creation of platforms which foster knowledge exchange, in pursuit of collective action to achieve SDG 6.
Our Research and Development Program will seek to conduct high quality research into pressing issues in areas related to WASH and WRM in Cambodia, the regionally and internationally. We commit to translation of research recommendations into actions through stakeholder consultation, prototyping, and piloting ideas.
The Center for Sustainable Water’s Smart Innovations Program aims to develop sustainable, scalable, human centred, solutions to some of the most intractable issues facing the WASH and WRM sector in Cambodia, the region and the globe, to enable SDG 6 to be achieved.
©2023 Centerforsustainablewater.org
101(c) non-profit organization
EIN: K003-902005106